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What are the psychological roots of chronic anger in young men?

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The acute awareness of their complete and utter inability to become INDEPENDENT ADULT MALES! The lack of adequate teaching, training and guidance for young men world wide, together with a total absence of any good, positive examples of INDEPENDENT ADULT MALES, leaves them stuck in a retarded state of childhood/adolescence.

They literally do not know what a HUMAN ADULT MALE should be about and sadly, they can only follow the stereotypical examples of the MAN-KIND MALES that are available to them. Their INFERIORITY COMPLEX is what provokes so much anger. They cannot cope emotionally, psychologically or physically with the ADULT WORLD.

They live in permanent dread of being revealed as that RETARDED CHILD that they really are inside and the agression/violence that becomes their trade mark, is their claim to being ADULT MALES who are all powerful and dominant. In truth, what their sick behaviour really shows is that they have absolutely no SELF-CONTROL at all. “KIDULTS”!!!! KIDS living in ADULT bodies and struggling to cope with an ADULT life.

Many homosexual men are trapped into pretending to be the stereotype of MAN-KIND´S making and long to break free of the lies and be their own MAN!!!! Which must surely lead to much frustration and anger towards their fellow males. Because lets face it, women have no problem with male homosexuality; do they?
