I fear not! I am daughter of a narcissistic mother but had a GREAT father (fortunately for me). The result of that is a BORDER line child. My two sisters did not have a close relationship with our father and the two of them are narcissistic sad to say.
I live with a narcissist male whose father was narcissist, his three brothers are fully narcissist too. Why am I living with a man who is narcissist? Because I don´t (or didn´t until I took up studying Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Border Line Personality Disorder), recognize what an abuser is. My mother was an abuser but she was my mother, right??!!
Every other narcissist male that I have had the misfortune to know, has been like my mother. Really great a lot of the time (when playing their FALSE-selves) and an abusive monster (their REAL-selves), the rest of the time. Just like my mother. That has been my norm sadly.
Though I have always been looking for a man like my father. But of course you never meet the narcissist´s REAL-self at the beginning, OH, NO! He is Prince Charming until you are committed to the relationship and then you meet the REAL him. Another one just like your MUM!!!
I have been studying NPD for five years now and have managed to reduce the abuse sustained in my own relationship but I am trapped. But you become trapped because you do not know what healthy relationships actually look like, because you´ve never seen or felt one!
Even with professional help it would be tough but where there is a will there is a way. Maybe though, you need therapy to actually understand who your abusers are and why they abuse you before you can begin to tred the path towards mental health.
They would need guidance in actually understanding what are normal, acceptable modes of human behaviour and what is narcissistic abuse. Having known nothing but narcissistic abuse, they wouldn´t know a normal person if they fell on top of them!! Their cognitive resonance will have been completely destroyed!